October 2-5: RUSSIA Soulforce Q brings FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO to Russia’s first LGBT filmfest in St. Petersburg!
Soulforce’s own Alexey Bulokhov translated the film into Russian and supported the festival on-site. Here is what DAN KARSLAKE, the film’s director, says about this:
"It is absolutely amazing to me that my film continues to branch out across the globe. I was honored to feature the important work of Soulforce in the film, and it is an incredible blessing to know that our message of love, hope and acceptance is being seen by an ever-widening portion of the human family!"
Follow the film’s amazing journey in Q’s 2008 Blog from Europe and help us continue international outreach efforts by DONATING TODAY.
October 22-29: ITALY Take That Gender! Intercultural Training Course on Gender, Religion and Lifestyles |
How come our ideas about fashion, fitness, and even cuisine are gendered? How do different creation narratives shape cultural ideas about gender? What does the evolution of religious iconography over the centuries tell us about gender? Why is violence a primary method of maintaining the harmful gender hierarchy? What can we do to actively promote equality in everyday life? Twenty four young adult leaders from fourteen countries gathered in Bologna, Italy for a week-long seminar co-presented by Soulforce Q, Cassero Italia, and Youth-in-Action in conjunction with the legendary GenderBender Festival. We created a living learning environment in which participants collaborated to develop nonviolent activist projects that address gender diversity and equality in their own communities.
Follow this fascinating course on Q’s 2008 Blog from Europe and help us continue international outreach efforts by DONATING TODAY.
NOVEMBER 1-5: AUSTRIA ILGA Europe & ILGA World Conferences 5th Global Conference on Persons and Sexuality |
ILGA is the world’s largest coalition of 600+ LBGT organizations from every continent. Its annual conferences provide unprecedented networking and learning opportunities. Soulforce joined ILGA in 2007 and in Vienna Haven Herrin was elected to the board of ILGA North America. Alexey Bulokhov was invited to present "Claiming Marginal Sexual Identity in Mainstream Religious Culture: Soulforce Q Equality Ride Case Study" at the 5th Global Conference on Persons and Sexuality in Salzburg introducing a new diverse audience to our work.
Find out what happened there on Q’s 2008 Blog from Europe and help us continue international outreach efforts by DONATING TODAY.