The following cities will take part in the Right to Serve campaign. To view more about the individual actions simply click on the city name. There you can donate to the city’s campaign, sign up to take part in the campaign, contact the city organizer and read the most up to date information. If you wish to inquire about being an organizer of a city that is not on the list, please email Jake Reitan at, or Haven Herrin at
List of Cities
- Akron, OH
- Atlanta, GA
- Austin, TX
- Indianapolis, IN
- Charlottesville, VA
- Chicago, IL
- Cincinnati, OH
- Conway, AR
- Dallas, TX
- Denver, CO
- Greensboro, NC
- Los Angeles, CA
- Madison, WI
- Middletown, CT
- Milwaukee, WI
- Minneapolis, MN
- New York City, NY
- Norman, OK
- Norton, MA
- Oklahoma City, OK
- Philadelphia, PA
- Phoenix, AZ
- Providence, RI
- Richmond, VA
- Shreveport, LA
- Spokane, WA
- Tacoma, WA
- Tampa, FL
- Tulsa, OK
- Washington, D.C.