Young Adults Tour Christian Colleges to Advocate Safety and Inclusion for All Students
For Immediate Release
Contact: Caitlin MacIntyre,
Equality Ride Media Director
Cell: 612-715-6138 Email:
What: On Monday, October 13, the Soulforce Q Equality Ride, a youth-organized bus tour to faith-based colleges, will bring a message of inclusion and safety to Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA). The Equality Ride promotes safe educational settings for all students, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT).
PBA has stated that the Equality Riders will not be permitted to enter their campus to engage students in peaceful dialogue about faith and fairness. Initially, university officials completely refused to allow Equality Riders on campus stating that the Equality Ride’s visit “would not meaningfully further the mission of either organization.” After the Equality Ride’s visits to Liberty and Columbia International, Palm Beach Atlantic officials contacted Equality Ride leadership about a limited meeting. President David W. Clark’s office explained that Riders would be escorted onto campus for a two hour meeting with a pre-selected group of students and staff in an undisclosed location. Unfortunately, this format is not conducive to reaching out to the Palm Beach Atlantic community in the spirit of open dialogue. Additionally, the LGBT students who need to hear the Ride’s message of love and affirmation would not be reached in this format. Therefore, Soulforce Q Equality Riders will walk on to campus as originally planned at noon in hopes of being welcomed as guests and provided an open forum for meaningful dialogue. Riders will join with members of the Palm Beach community to give a voice to all of the LGBT students who have been silenced at PBA.
Why: More than 200 U.S. colleges and universities have explicit policies that discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students. At Palm Beach Atlantic the student handbook forbids, “sexual activity that is inconsistent with biblical teaching, such as: … homosexual behavior.” Moreover, the handbook explains that “Since sexual expression is not merely physical, but deeply involves the mind, spirit and emotions, there is a need for sensitivity and caution at every level of intimacy,” which further expands the ways in which administration can target LGBT students. Punitive action can be taken against LGBT people at the discretion of the university administration, leading to a climate of fear and uncertainty for gay and transgender students.
When: Monday, October 13th, 2008
10:00 am, Equality Ride arrives
12:00 pm, Equality Riders attempt to walk on to campus
Where: 901 S Flagler Dr, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida
Who: The 18 to 28-year-old Equality Riders are members of Soulforce Q, the young adult division of Soulforce, a national social justice organization.
Since 2006, the Equality Ride has visited 50 schools, hosting public forums, participating in panel discussions, and taking part in worship services and Bible studies. The goal is to inspire further conversation and to empower students, faculty, and administrators to make their school welcoming to all students.
The organizers of the Equality Ride use a collaborative approach, writing to college administrators months in advance and inviting them to work together to design programming that examines diverse points of view — including points of view that affirm gay and transgender students.
Soulforce Q is the young adult division of Soulforce, a social justice organization that works to end political and religious oppression of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people through relentless nonviolent resistance. For more information, go to