Name: Houghton College Location: Houghton, New York Religious Affiliation: Wesleyan Church Enrollment: 1,337 Website: Accreditation: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education |
Concerning GLBT Equality:
The Houghton College Responsibilities of Communal Life states:
"We believe Scripture condemns certain acts, including drinking alcohol to excess, stealing, speaking or writing profanely or slanderously, acting dishonestly, cheating, engaging in occult practice, and engaging in sexual relations outside the bonds of marriage (including premarital sex, adultery, and homosexual behavior)."
Houghton’s intent to enforce their prohibition on GLBT enrollment is reflected in the following statement:
"Community members are expected to live by the principles and standards described in this Statement of Community Responsibilities and accept these responsibilities by their signature thereto in the application process, and annually in a community affirmation and mutual forgiveness chapel.
Members of the community who fail to live up to the expectations in this document may subject themselves to disciplinary action or dismissal (as outlined in appropriate college documents and policies), as well as to forgiveness and love. People who find themselves consistently unwilling to honor the specific commitments outlined in this document should withdraw from the community, at least for a season of reflection."
The full text of the Responsibilities of Communal Life can be viewed here.
Additionally, the Community Expectations section states:
"Houghton College stands firmly against sexual behaviors that violate scriptural principles and encourages wholesome interaction between the sexes. Sexual relations outside of marriage (this includes, but is not limited to, intercourse) and homosexual practices are not appropriate for members of the Houghton College community."
The full text of the Community Expectations can be viewed here.