This is the press release posted at Jerry Falwell’s web site in late September 1999 entitled "What We Believe: JFM’s Definitive Stance on Homosexuality."
The Press Release below from Jerry Falwell’s web site is not the view of Soulforce. We have displayed it on this page for the purpose of understanding Mel White’s response on 10/14/99, which you may link to from here.
What We Believe: JFM’s Definitive Stance on Homosexuality.
From time to time, this ministry is challenged on our thoughts and beliefs regarding homoesexuals. We want all of our supporters and friends to know that our position HAS NOT and WILL NOT change! We believe, as is stated in God’s Word, that homosexuality is a sin. We do, however, believe that as Christians, we must love the sinner, but hate the sin. As with any other addictive sin, those trapped in the bondage of homosexuality can be freed by the power of Jesus Christ. It is our job and responsibility to show the truth to these individuals, lead them to repentance and help them find a new life in Jesus Christ.
How do we know homosexuality is a sin? In Genesis 19:1-28, there is the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah because of the sin of homosexuality. Verses 4 and 5 describe how the men of the city desired that Lot send his two guests out to them that they might "know" them (the word "know" meaning "to have sexual relations with"). God destroyed the two cities because of the wickedness of homosexuality.
Many homosexuals, however, defend their lifestyle by claiming that God "made them that way." To suggest that homosexuality is a physical condition caused by biological facts rather than an emotional and mental condition is highly blasphemous. The Bible tells us that the cause of homosexuality is sin. A person is not born a homosexual; he becomes one according to his sinful will. A person lets sin and the devil take control of his life. In Romans 1:27, the Apostle Paul writes:
"…likewise the men, leaving the natural use of a woman, burned in their lust toward one another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
Here, we see that sinful men chose to practice homosexuality… and that God gave them the punishment due their actions.
God forbids homosexuality and lesbianism because it is harmful, not because He wants to withhold something good from people. Homosexuality is highly debilitating – emotionally, physically and spiritually. In a recent NARTH (the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) study conducted among homosexuals who were unhappy with their sexuality, psychiatrists found that more than 44 percent of homosexuals suffer from feelings of poor self-esteem and extreme loneliness. In addition, nearly 50 percent of those same homosexuals experience distress from homosexual thoughts and feelings.
Homosexuality is physically harmful as well. But rather than list the many proven facts and figures here, let me quote to you a passage from the NARTH report, which relates the physical dangers of homosexuality. According to the study, the following physical disorders would be present among ten randomly selected homosexual men in their mid-thirties:
"Three of the men are currently alcoholics, five have a history of alcohol abuse, and four have a history of drug abuse. Three currently smoke cigarettes, five regularly use at least one illegal drug, and three are multiple drug users. Four have a history of acute depression, three have seriously contemplated suicide, and two have attempted suicide. Eight have a history of sexually transmitted diseases, eight currently carry infectious pathogens, and three currently suffer from digestive or urinary ailments caused by these pathogens. At least three are HIV-infected and one has AIDS."
And these frightening statistics are just the beginning. In addition to the emotional and physical problems, homosexuality also breeds great spiritual discontent. It destroys the sanctity and sacredness of family life; it leads to violence and treachery; it can often lead to suicide.
Again, in Romans 1:26-28, God’s Word says the following:
"For this cause God gave them up into vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:" And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; man with man working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet." And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient."
These verses refer to those whom God has given up to a reprobate mind because of their stubborn continuance in a very vile sin.
These are unsaved people, and these verses show clearly that homosexuals cannot and will not go to Heaven unless they repent of that sin and forsake it. They are sure to go to Hell unless they repent of that sin and forsake it, and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.
However, there is HOPE for those struggling with homosexuality!
Of course, there is hope for men and women who have become enslaved by such a sin, but they must forsake that sin through the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 1:18 says:
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
It is our desire to show that homosexuals and lesbians that, according to God’s Holy Word, they are guilty of a horrible and enslaving sin. We want them to understand that there is no way out except through Jesus Christ! The love and power of God can forgive them of their sins and can give them total, complete and permanent victory over their enslaving sin, not gradually, but instantaneously, if they will only repent of their sins and cry out to God for mercy and victory.
More than 44 percent of homosexuals suffer from feelings of poor self-esteem and extreme loneliness.
* Nearly 50 percent of homosexuals experience distress from homosexual thoughts and feelings.
* Information courtesy of a study conducted by the National Association of Research and Therapy
The study was conducted on a national level and had 882 participants.
According to researchers, the following physical disorders would be present among ten randomly selected homosexual men in their mid-thirties:
– 3 are alcoholics
– 3 have seriously contemplated suicide
– 5 have a history of alcohol abuse
– 2 have attempted suicide
– 4 have a history of drug abuse
– 8 have a history of sexually transmitted disease
– 3 currently smoke cigarettes
– 8 currently carry infectious pathogens
– 5 regularly use at least one illegal drug
– 3 currently suffer from digestive or urinary ailments caused by these pathogens
– 3 are multiple drug users
– 3 are HIV-infected
– 4 have a history of acute depression- 1 has AIDS
Information courtesy "Straight and Narrow? Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality
Debate" by Thomas E. Schmidt, Ph.D.
For more information on ministries that minister to those struggling to overcome homosexuality, follow the links below.
Exodus International
Kerusso Ministries
This is the entire contents of the following web page as of October 14, 1999.