Today, Soulforce convened a national press teleconference to speak out against an alarming disinformation campaign in America by those who oppose equality for gay and lesbian people and their families.
Social scientists and representatives from the American Psychiatric Association, American Counseling Association, American Psychological Association, and the National Association of Social Workers joined the call to review the reputable mainstream research on children raised by same-gender parents. They also described specific examples of how that research is distorted by James Dobson and others to justify discriminatory public policy and encouraged the media to fact-check such false claims in the future before they report them.
Soulforce was joined by Wayne Besen and Truth Wins Out, who today announced a new website,, which includes a collection of videos, created by both organizations, that show social scientists refuting James Dobson’s dishonest claims. For complete bios of the social scientists on today’s press teleconference call, go to
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Read the transcript
A transcript of the Press Teleconference on LGBT Parenting Research is available at