More Light Presbyterians Celebrate Love & stand in solidarity with Rev. Janie Spahr and Marriage Equality
The National Board of Directors and national staff of More Light Presbyterians stand in solidarity and prayer with Rev. Janie Spahr and her faithful support for marriage equality and pastoral care. The inspired and loving ministry of our beloved friend and colleague in ministry, Rev. Janie Spahr, is so much a faithful witness to a loving and just Church and society for all of God’s people that she has been charged once again for being a responsible and caring pastor by officiating at legal marriages of same gender loving couples. "We rejoice in the faithful pastoral ministry of Janie Spahr. There is no prohibition against same-sex marriage in Scripture or the Book of Order. God created all of us for love and companionship, not just some of us," Rev. Janet Edwards, Co-Moderator.
"The growing support for marriage equality within the USA and around the world reveal a remarkable shift in the recognition of same-sex love and relationships. Love is not restricted by gender any more than it is by race, ethnicity or religion. One needs only look around to recognize the changing face of relationships within our families, congregations and world. Love makes a family," Michael J. Adee, Executive Director & Field Organizer.
We call all Presbyterians to join us in celebrating Love and praying for Janie and her trial on August 24 at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Napa, CA. "Please join us in praying for the commission of Redwoods Presbytery. We celebrate the love and commitment of the same-sex couples who will testify at the trial. It is our hope and prayer that the conscience and the call to pastoral care for Presbyterian ministers will be recognized and honored in the decision of this commission. In addition to Janie’s ministry being on trial, so is marriage equality and pastoral care. We are grateful for Janie and all Presbyterian ministers who follow their heart, conscience and call to ministry by caring for same-sex couples and their families, too. Together we are building a Church for all God’s people," Trice Gibbons, Co-Moderator.
Rev. Janet Edwards and Trice Gibbons, Co-Moderators, More Light Presbyterians
Michael J. Adee, Executive Director & Field Organizer, and the National Board of Directors and Staff, More Light Presbyterians,