Dear Dr. Dobson: An Open Letter Video to Focus on the Family (DVD, 29 minutes)
Jeff Lutes, MS, LPC, a psychotherapist and family counselor, documents and responds to each of Dobson’s false claims. This DVD includes interviews with Jack Drescher, MD, who has published extensively on the ethical dangers associated with therapies designed to “change” sexual orientation. It also includes an interview with Robert Spitzer, MD, commenting on how his study has been incorrectly used to perpetuate an anti-gay agenda. Finally, Dr. Judith Stacey summarizes the research on same-gender parents, speaks about how her study has been misused by Focus on the Family in court cases, and confronts Dobson’s frequent distortion of the facts in this area. The DVD includes a music video bonus feature by Jason & deMarco.
The Power of Youth (Video, 18 minutes)
For centuries a few biblical passages have been misused to condemn gay, lesbian, besexual, and transgender people. And though there is overwhelming evidence that the sexual orientation of these young people is simply another human mystery, millions of well-meaning but tragically misinformed people continue to insist that their orientation is both a sickness and a sin. As a result, millions of gay people live in closets of fear and self hatred, rejected by their family and friends, teachers and counselors, pastors, priests, and rabbis.
This short but dramatic video proves that throughout history, courageous young people have been in the front lines of every major social revolution. “The Power of Youth” calls young people to take their place in the struggle to liberate God’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender children by putting into practice the “Soul Force” principles of relentless nonviolent resistance, as taught by Jesus, Gandhi, and King.
How Can I Be Sure That God Loves Me, Too? (Video, 24 minutes)
Video taped live before an amazing congregation in Spring Lake, Michigan, this is Mel’s response to those who would misuse the Biblical record to condemn God’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered children. This is a dramatic retelling of the story of Jesus for our sisters and brothers who have forgotten (or who have never heard) how much God loves them.
“This simple, brilliant, theologically grounded sermon may do more for gay rights than many political actions have done.”
Patrick Bristow, (Peter on ABC’s Ellen)
“Poignant, powerful, and best of all, 100% truthful…”
Virginia Mollenkott
“One of the best back-to-basic resources found anywhere…”
Nancy Wilson
The Rhetoric of Intolerance (Video, 29 minutes)
This “Open Letter Video to Pat Robertson from Mel White” replays (and responds to) almost 40 of Pat Robertson’s most misleading statements, not just about lesbians and gays, but about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, separation of church and state, Moslem and other minority Americans. It is a frightening look (with a calm, thoughtful response) to the false and inflammatory rhetoric of America’s fundamentalist Christian’s. A complimentary User’s Guide is included for Bible studies or small groups. (OK to copy and distribute to your congregation.)
Recommended by reviewers in OUT magazine and In the Life TV. More than 6,000 copies already shipped to TV stations, public and university libraries, schools and churches.
The Trials of Jimmy Creech (Video, 28 minutes)
An heroic Christian clergyman shares his journey into full acceptance of lesbians and gays. Jimmy Creech tells the deeply moving story of his first Pride Parade and how the courage of one GLBT congregation influenced his life forever. This video will help change minds and hearts of those who oppose us and help bring hope and healing to lesbians and gays, their families and friends.
“Dramatic witness… Powerful testimony…” Mark Bowman, Executive Director,
Reconciling Churches Program, United Methodist Church
“A powerful video…”
Jerry Deas, National Secretary DIGNITY/USA
There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy (Video, 30 minutes)
Why Romans 1 – The Most Misused ‘Clobber Passage’ of them All – Cannot Be Used To Condemn God’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Children”
Featuring Dr. Lewis B. Smedes, Biblical Scholar and Ethics Professor.
Romans I is the biblical passage most used to caricature and condemn homosexual people. In this latest Soulforce Video you will hear an esteemed Bible scholar and Christian ethicist from the conservative tradition explain why using this passage against gay and lesbian people just doesn’t make sense.
Dr. Smedes spent the last fifty years studying and teaching the Bible. A seminary professor and Christian ethicist, he is also the author of more than a dozen bestselling Christian books including, To Forgive and Forget, The Art of Forgiving, and Keeping Hope Alive.
Let the Spirit of Truth speak to your heart through Dr. Smede’s fascinating, profound and prophetic words.
Southern Baptists May Not Say “God Hates Fags” as Fred Phelps Does — But The Effect is the Same
This booklet compares the harsh anti-gay rhetoric of the Southern Baptist Convention with that of Fred Phelps. The material presented is taken directly from SBC resolutions, quotes from Southern Baptist leaders, and quotes from Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. Topics covered include marriage, society, HIV/AIDS, Sex, civil rights, and more.
Free Download
You can download a PDF file of Southern Baptists May Not Say “God Hates Fags” as Fred Phelps Does — But The Effect is the Same by clicking here.
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