Right to Serve Campaign: Shreveport, Louisiana
On September 6th, Eddie Lopez and Rachel Powell tried to enlist in the
Marines as openly gay people. They were locked out of the center and left
abandoned by the recruiter.
They returned on September 12 with eight supporters, gay and straight, young and old. The group was greeted outside by a recruiter, who told Rachel and Eddie that because they were openly gay, he could not sign them up. They were not allowed inside, so they began a sit-in right outside. Eventually the group did get inside, at which point police came to arrest the group.
Rachel, Eddie, and a heterosexual supporter, Raydra Hall, were arrested while waiting in line to enlist.
The Shreveport Times, Commentary by Rachel Powell
The Shreveport Times, Commentary by Eddie Lopez
The Shreveport Times, Commentary by Monica Carter
The Shreveport Times, Post Arrest Article
Register for the Right to Serve campaign in Shreveport, Louisiana
Donate to the Right to Serve campaign in Shreveport, Louisiana
If you have questions, comments, or concerns, contact:
Rachel Powell at rachel.powell@righttoserve.org