The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious institution in the United States. U.S. Catholics represent about 6% of the church’s total world membership of approximately 1 billion.
Membership in the United States number over 60,000,000 members, making it a political force, as well as a religious force.
The Pope/Vatican and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) continue to make spiritually violent statements and policies against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, both politically and socially. These policies hurt people both inside and outside the church.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that homosexuality is "objectively disordered" and "same-sex loving acts are an intrinsic moral evil". Members of Dignity, a support group for GLBT Catholics, are not allowed to meet on church property, and priests are often forbidden to celebrate Mass for Dignity.
Additionally, the USCCB has been in the forefront of promoting and actively lobbying in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Past Actions and News:
National Week of Prayer and Vigils, November 7-12, 2005
2005 Case Against the Catholic Church
2005 Suggested Letter to Send to Your Local Bishop
2005 Letter for Local Group Leaders to Send to Their Local Bishop
Soulforce recently signed on to a powerful statement coming out of the Catholic Rainbow Parents group. To read this powerful statement go to
Become "Faithful Dissenters" – A Message from the Soulforce Catholic Team 4/21/05
Soulforce Statement Regarding the Selection of Cardinal Ratzinger as
Pope Benedict XVI
Letter to Rev. Bugarin – Soulforce Responds to Another Act of Spiritual Violence 4/6/2005
An Open Letter to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Regarding "Natural Law" Theology
Soulforce Actions
2004 Washington D.C. – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
2003 Washington D.C. – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
2002 Washington D.C. – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
2001 Washington D.C. – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
2000 Washington D.C. – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Soulforce proudly proclaims the faithfulness to God of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as demonstrated in the lives of but a few of the many holy men and women who have committed their lives to relentlessly doing God’s work.
Fr. Henri Nouwen (famous author) , a gay priest whose spirituality has touched millions. Probably one of the most admired spiritual authors in the world, he kept the secret of his Sexual orientation fearing that this fact might somehow make his amazing writing less acceptable. |
Mary Moylan (Vietnam War resister) a nurse who in 1968 participated in the Catonsville Nine Draft Board action, which led to a series of draft board and corporate actions that awakened Catholic opposition to the Vietnam War. Mary spent many years in Uganda as a nurse/midwife prior to returning to the states to take part in this now famous act of resistance. |
Fr. Mychal Judge (NYC Fire Chaplain) , a gay priest who died during 9/11 ministering and lived his entire life supporting the struggle for justice. Fr. Judge was deeply loved, admired and respected by firefighters whose gratitude for his years of devotion made his reputation almost mystical in their eyes. |
Dr. Tom Dooley (Vietnam era naval doctor) , who risked his life during the Vietnam war years to set up medical clinics throughout Southeast Asia. Dooley authored three books about his time in Southeast Asia. He was dishonorably discharged from the navy in 1956 for his homosexuality. |
Report on 2004 ACTION AT USCCB IN WASHINGTON, DC – November 14 – 17, 2004 was the 5th year in a row that Soulforce vigiled at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ annual meeting
Story and picture about Judge Mildred Edwards and Bishop Gumbleton’s Peace Mass
Synopsis of National Call to Prayer and Vigils at Local Chanceries culled from reports from across the United States November 9, 2004
Chronology of ths Soulforce Campaign in the Roman Catholic Church
Why We Vigil (2004) (pdf)
Stories of Courage (used at the USCCB Action 2004)
Soulforce Critique of "Natural Law" Theology
2004 Soulforce Case Against the Roman Catholic Church (pdf)
Soulforce Letter to Bishop Gregory, Jan. 23, 2004
Soulforce Statement Condemning USCCB Brochure (Between Man and Woman: Q&A about Marriage and Same-Sex Unions)
Soulforce Denominational Team Letter to His Eminence Theodore E. McCarrick, Archdiocese of Washington, DC (May 26, 2004)
A Synopsis of Current Roman Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality [Compiled from Voices of Hope, Jeannine Gramick & Robert Nugent, CHE, 1995]
Boston Pheonix Newspaper article on the Catholic Church’s assault on Equal Civil Marriage Rights (July 19, 2004)
Catholics Ignoring Church on "Gay Marriage" (, July 13, 2004)
An Open Letter to the Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church Regarding the Pastoral Care of Gay and Lesbian Persons (Written by 23 Priests in the Chicago area)
Letter for Local Group Leaders to Send the their Local Bishop (July 2004)
Between Man and Woman: Questions and Answers About Marriage and Same-Sex Unions Approved by the USCCB, 2003
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons Vatican Statement July 31, 2003
Bishop’s Head (Wilton Gregory) Welcomes Vatican Statement on Legal Recognition of Unions between Homosexual Persons July 31, 2003
Dignity USA: DignityUSA works for respect and justice for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons in the Catholic Church and the world through education, advocacy and support.
New Ways Ministry: New Ways Ministry provides a gay-positive ministry of advocacy and justice for lesbian and gay Catholics and reconciliation within the larger Christian and civil communities.
Call To Action: Catholics working together to foster peace and justice.