Hand-in-hand, we sing the songs of freedom during the Soulforce Institute
Rev. Anita Hill of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church addresses the Soulforce Institute
David North leads Soulforcees in singing songs of freedom
Youth gathered on the altar Saturday night with Youth Coordiantor Jake Reitan at the front right.
Mel White introduces Mohandas Ghandi’s grandson, Arun Ghandi Saturday morning.
The Soulforce Institute opened in ecumenical style with a Friday Night Shabat Service.
Music played an important part throughout the weekend and Monday night.
Mel White addresses Soulforce Institute
Arun and Sunanda Ghandi with Soulforce Executive Director Mel White and Director of Operations Karen Weldin
Bill Carpenter, Janell Bussert, and JD Sebastian lead a song.
Soulforce St. Louis co-chair Doug Donley opens the Soulforce Institute for Non-violent Change Saturday morning.
Rev. Phil Lawson, one of the advisers to Martin Luther King, addresses the Soulforce Institute on Nonviolent Change.
David North with Sam and Heather lead singing Monday night during Soulforce training for 24 Hours of Justice.
Vigil co-coordinators Richard Murphy and Kristin Van Hayningen address Soulforcees Monday night.
Mel and Karen are STILL at work, even during the training!
Soulforcees listen attenitively during the Monday night vigil preparation.
Soulforce media coordinator Laura Montgomery Rutt addresses participants in Soulforce’s "24 Hours of Justice" in St. Louis.
Several hundred Soulforcers join hands to sing "We Shall Overcome" as the four-hour training ends Monday evening in preparation for vigils and the expected civil disobedience at the Southern Baptist Convention on Tuesday.