Cinevolve Studios announced that Equality U, the award-winning documentary on the first-ever Soulforce Equality Ride in 2006, will become available in DVD format June 1. According to Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director of Soulforce, the film provides an opportunity to educate people on LGBTQ equality issues. She sees Equality U as a “sleeper” with […]
equality u
Film Festivals Featuring "Equality U" and "Ask Not"
Equality UWhat happens when a busload of young activists travel around the country to confront anti-LGBT policies at conservative religious and military colleges? Equality U tells the story of the Soulforce Equality Ride and their experiences combating hatred, fear, and ignorance through direct action. Their goal: to engage in a dialogue with university administration and […]
Equality U
[youtube=TihG-ZHB61k] For more information visit