Events To Consider at PC USA
Covenant Network dinner July 2 F 6;30-8:30 PM
PVJ Orientation July 3 Sa 7:00-8:30 AM
MLP reception July 3 4:00-5:00 PM
(no registration required)
MLP dinner July 3 5:00-6:45 PM
PVJ awards July 4 Su noon-2:30 PM
Covenant Network lunch July 5 M noon-1:30 PM
Voices of Sophia breakfast July 6 Tu 7:00-8:15 AM
MLP Educational lunch July 6 noon-2:00 PM
MLP worship celebration July 6 7:00-9:30 PM
(no registration required)
Witherspoon dance July 6 9:00 PM – 1:00 AM
GA wide picnic July 4 5:30-10:30 PM
TAMFS training for their youth is all day July 1-2
Covenant Network training/overview is on July 2
MLP hospitality suite open in evenings @7:30 PM July 3-8
Observer at Meetings Opposing LGBT inclusion
Presbyterian Lay Committee
One by One (ex-gay type group) Lunch on July 6
These events do not overlap with the Pray In.