The Equality Ride stop at Seattle Pacific University was April 11, 2007.
The Equality Rider who organized the stop at Seattle Pacific University is Jonathan Hilbrands.
Jonathan Hilbrands |
The day at Seattle Pacific University went extremely well. We had a warm welcome by the administration and our student hosts. After spending time in Seattle at Multi Faith Works and the University of Washington Q Center, we were excited to be able to visit SPU. While at SPU, many of the students were genuinely interested in dialogue.
Throughout the day, the Equality Ride gave many presentations. The attendance at these presentations was phenomenal. The room had seating for hundreds. The room was full, and many more students were standing outside the room because they couldn’t find a seat. We received a standing ovation. Each Equality Rider that presented was completely on their game.
Also, the City of Seattle issued a proclomation declaring Aprill 11, 2007, Equality Ride 2007 Day in Seattle. Seattle was a nice welcome as we headed into the last stretch of the ride; a stretch where schools would not be welcoming us. Seattle Pacific was an amazing stop, and many of the Equality Riders would say this stop was one of the higlights of our trip.