Name: Oklahoma Baptist University Location: Shawnee, OK Religious Affiliation: Southern Baptist Enrollment: 1,684 Website: Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission |
Concerning GLBT Equality:
The Oklahoma Baptist University 2005-2006 student handbook states:
(17) Human Sexuality
Oklahoma Baptist University strives to create a learning environment where community members can safely engage each other in meaningful dialogue about important issues, including those of human sexuality.
Sexuality is a gift from God. God created sex and declared it “good”(Genesis 1:27-28). Oklahoma Baptist University affirms the biblical standard of sexuality through scripture that teaches God’s standard for human sexuality:
- Sex is intended for producing offspring (Gen. 1:28) and for pleasure (Prov. 5:18,19; Song of Solomon).
- Sex is explicitly intended for the marital relationship between a man and a woman (I Cor. 7:2-5). The physical and emotional intimacy of sex is designed specifically to unite the couple in a lifelong commitment to each other (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5).
- Sexual relations outside of marriage are strictly forbidden (Ex. 20:14; Prov. 5:1-11; 6:23-33; 7:5-27).
- “Sexual immorality” (both heterosexual and homosexual) is strongly condemned in Scripture (Rom. 1:26-28; I Thess. 4:3) because our bodies are a “temple of the Holy Spirit” (I Cor. 6:13-20).
Oklahoma Baptist University continues to affirm the biblical standard as a faithful commitment in marriage between a man and woman and purity in relationships outside of marriage. Along with the rest of creation, however, sexuality has been affected by sin (Genesis 3). As a result of the Fall of Mankind, sin has a wide impact on our lives and every person struggles with temptation in one form or another. Temptations relating to sexuality include heterosexual sex outside of marriage, homosexual behavior, the perversion of sexuality through pornography, rape, incest, sexual addictions and all other forms of sexuality that deviate from the biblical standard for sexuality. It is the University’s expectation that OBU students, faculty, and staff will comply with the biblical standard for sexuality.
OBU students, faculty and staff are called to exercise their personal freedom and responsibility within the framework of God’s word (Gal. 5:13-14; I Peter 2:16-17) and to treat their own bodies and those of others with the respect and honor due the temple of God (I Cor. 6:20). It is the University’s intention to promote behavior consistent with scriptural principle. Students with questions regarding these issues are encouraged to avail themselves of opportunities for confidential discussion and support through the University Counseling Office or the Student Development staff, including the Residence Directors, Dean and Assistant Dean of Students, the Director of Student Services and/or Campus Ministry.
In accordance with biblical teaching on admonishment and reproof (Gal. 6:1-2, Matt. 18:15-17, Col. 3:16-17), the University will direct compliance with disciplinary requirements. These disciplinary requirements may include but are not limited to mandatory counseling, probation, or departure from the University. Refusal to comply with the clearly stated and scripturally supported policies shall result in departure from the University.
The section on human sexuality in the 2005-2006 OBU Student Handbook can be read by clicking here.
OBU’s 2004-2005 student handbook had stated:
(17) Homosexuality
The University will not tolerate homosexual activities nor the promotion of homosexuality within its jurisdiction. Admission or detection of homosexual practices or advocacy by a student will require compliance with counseling requirements or departure from the University. The Oklahoma Baptist University Board of Trustees adopted the following statement on March 5, 1985:
“Because the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin and because we accept the Bible as the Word of God, Oklahoma Baptist University does not consider a homosexual lifestyle to be an acceptable pattern of human behavior and will not permit homosexual expression by members of the University community under any circumstances.
The University, therefore, will not tolerate homosexual activities nor the promotion of homosexuality within its jurisdiction. A person who is professedly a practicing homosexual or who is observed in homosexual activity will not be permitted to remain in the OBU community unless he or she is willing to participate in professional counseling and demonstrates a genuine effort to deal with homosexuality as inappropriate behavior or lifestyle. Such efforts include, but are not limited to, on- or off-campus counseling and/or treatment prescribed by professional authorities who are approved by the University. Subsequent violation of this University policy will result in suspension from the University.”
The section on homosexuality in the 2004-2005 OBU Student Handbook can be read by clicking here.