This message is the property of the organization issuing the release as noted on the document. If you have any questions please notify the contact person on the document. US Catholic Bishop Elections Signal Continued Targeting of Gay, Transgender People Statement of Equally Blessed, November 16, 2010 Contact: Marianne Duddy-Burke 617-669-7810 The leaders of […]
catholic church
GLBT Catholics and Their Allies Vigil in Minnesota
Over three hundred people gathered at the Cathedral of St. Paul on Sunday, December 2, 2007 for a vigil of solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Catholics, their families and supporters. Soulforce’s Mel White, Phil & Randi Reitan were at the vigil. One of the organizer’s reports can be found here. [youtube=BOn5LUlK73s]