I am sending this message on behalf of the International Program Committee (IPC) of Lutherans Concerned/North America. By now, many have heard the tragic news of the brutal murder of one of the key Ugandan LGBT advocates, David Kato (see http://tinyurl.com/DavidKatoMurdered). As news agencies have reported, David was targeted for harassment and bullying by those […]
Advocate for Full Inclusion and Staunch Ally, Former Bishop & Former Soulforce Board Member Paul Egertson Died Today
From Lutherans Concerned North America: Former Soulforce board member Paul Egertson died suddenly this afternoon, January 5, 2011, in his home in Thousand Oaks, California. Egertson, staunch ally and advocate for full inclusion of LGBT people in the life of the church, had championed the ordination of LGBT candidates for ministry and an end to […]
ELCA Reinstates Openly Gay Minister Couple in a Committed Relationship
A visible sign of the wondrous changes in the Evangelical Lutheran Churchin America (ELCA) is the reinstatement of Pastor Bradley Schmeling andPastor Darin Easler to the roster of ministers of the ELCA. Both had beenremoved from that roster for being in a committed, same-genderrelationship. As a committed, same-gender clergy couple they will serve openly on […]
Rev. Dr. Cindi Love: The Lutheran Church Embraces the LGBTQ Community!
Our Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Cindi Love wrote a piece for The Huffington Post titled "The Lutheran Church Embraces the LGBTQ Community!" George Bernard Shaw once said, "Certainly all great truths begin as blasphemies." On April 11, 2010, those who identify as people of faith and as "non-heterosexual" were given particular cause to celebrate Shaw’s […]