by Jonathan Awtrey I’ve never been farther west from Dallas than today. My day was spent reflecting on two very specific topics: my coming out anniversary and the rest of the ride. April 1 marks the two-year anniversary of my coming out. I define my official coming out as the day I came out to […]
Blog Posts
When in Rome…
by Jarrett Lucas We pour onto Texas A & M’s campus, an army of individuals connected by a common dream; we wish to live in a world devoid of discrimination. The diversity of our group is quite apparent. But, even more visible is our unity. With affable smiles and sincere greetings we allow our shirts […]
Grateful for Abilene
by Robin Reed Sunday night, after a long day of travel from Oklahoma City to Abilene in a stuffy bus with no Freon (thus no air conditioning), we arrived at Abilene Christian University in time for a nice dinner sponsored by the university. This is the first school to offer us an official welcome and […]
Oklahoma Escape
by Jacob Neal Oklahoma City, OK Our first day off! What a relief! The question looming in everyone’s mind after our mentally taxing days at OBU was how should we spend this glorious day off here in Oklahoma City, the thriving metropolis of the Midwest? Bill provided us with the clear answer: breakfast at IHOP. […]
Presentations Unveiled
by Angel Collie Finally a day to actually sleep in! It was time to move on from the maze-like hotel in Tulsa and venture on to Oklahoma City– a stop I had been excited about for quite a while. We left around noon and arrived at our new hotel around 2:00. We were welcomed with […]
GLAAD Comes to Oklahoma
by Nathan Bengtson Today was a rather low-key day. Our schedule was one that allowed us quite a bit of free time and some time to sleep in if we so desired. Sleep is one thing that many of us do not get on a regular and consistent basis on this ride. I personally slept […]